Flash Intro Design
These days, it's all about interactive, dynamic moving media,
which brings the customer's point of focus to your company
and its message. Studies have shown that a customer remembers
more about a company's image and message, when they are exposed
to a richly stimulating animated presentation, than when they
see a static one.
Incorporating a short flash animation with sound gives the
viewer a delightful first impression of your web site. A lively
flash animated intro may be just what you need to make your
website more vivid, attractive and appealing, especially to
those with a focus on the younger, modern 18-30 demographic.
Even still, flash can stimulate interest in just about any
demographic if it is appropriately designed and applied.
Some samples of the Flash Animated Intros are shown below,
if you are looking for flash animated logos for your website
then see our Flash Animated
Logo Portfolio.